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8 Jul 2021

The benefits of black pepper enhancing immunity

The benefits of black pepper enhancing immunity

Include a pinch of black pepper in the diet to reduce weight and reduce wrinkles

You can drink turmeric and black pepper in milk to increase your ability to fight disease.
You can eat it by adding crushed black pepper powder on salads and fried potato chips.

Black pepper is used to enhance the flavor of risotto and vegetables. But it not only enhances the taste but also keeps the health good. Involving it in eating can eliminate many problems.

Turmeric and black pepper can be drunk by dipping it in milk. This milk is given to patients with severe colds. It is rich in antioxidants, vitamin A and carotenoids, which help fight diseases.

In the coronal period it needs to be included in the diet to increase the body's ability to fight disease. Dietitian Dr. Columbia Asia Hospital, Ghaziabad. Aditi Sharma explains, its benefits and how to use it

Eating it by chewing improves digestion

Black pepper improves the digestive system. Hydrochloric acid comes out of the stomach when we eat it with a fork and it helps break down proteins. Hydrochloric acid cleanses the intestines and protects the intestines from other diseases. Be sure to include a pinch of pepper in your daily diet.

Relieve constipation

Adding a few peppers daily to the meal relieves constipation. Eating pepper daily provides relief from colon cancer, constipation and bacterial related diseases. Pepper should also not be overused. A pinch of rock is enough for the body.

Reduces wrinkles

It helps in relieving skin problems and knowing the original color of the skin. Wrinkles and skin problems can be reduced if you use pepper from an early age. It also prevents black spots.

Useful in weight loss

Mix a pinch of pepper in green tea and drink it two to three times a day. It breaks down excess fat. Improves the body's metabolism.

How to use?

You can also add pepper powder with a teaspoon of salt in the salad. Eat fried potatoes or chips with a pinch of pepper powder.

When you make any soup, add a little pepper to enhance its taste. This will give you relief from the cold and also increase the taste.

important link::


Add pepper to the friedu rice to enhance the flavor.

Fresh pepper powder can be added to anything. Pepper powder can also be used in salads, soups, pasta and buttermilk. For Best View Please Open This Website In CHROME / OPERA Browser

Suggestions during pregnancy information pdf

Suggestions during pregnancy information pdf

What to do before 3 months (0 -3 months)
Contact within 1 week of missed menstruation.
Do a urine test to check for pregnancy
Sonography to know fetal development and heartbeat
Take folic acid and vitamin B-12
antienatal profile (blood and urine test)

What not to do
Don't travel
Don't eat spicy or foreign food
Don't build a relationship
Do not do heavy work and exercise

What to do another 3 months (3-6 months)
Sonography to check for malformations in a baby at 20 to 22 weeks (3D-4D)
Bow vaccine should be taken twice a month
Blood and Urine Reporting (Antinental Profile)
To do light exercise and pranayama
Take Aryan calcium and protein medication as advised.

Third trimester (6-9 months)
Exercise as advised by the doctor
Growth sonography 7 months
Color Doppler sonography should be performed in the ninth month (36 weeks)
Information about the oxygen the baby gets
Watching 10 Movements of a Child (8am to 8pm)

What not to doDo not travel (travel as per doctor's leave).

What foods to eat during pregnancy:
Eat more nutritious and high protein, Aryan, Calcium and Protein foods
Obtained from protein, lentils and beans
Calcium is found in milk, milk products and bananas
Vitamins are found in all vegetables and fruits
Panipuri, Sugarcane juice, Do not eat ice cubes (found outside)
Eat little by little 5-7 times a day
Don't eat spicy, fried, spicy
Drink enough water (add sugar, salt in summer)
Take water from lemon, orange, coconut
Tobacco, not alcohol
Wear clean, loose, cotton clothes
Good music and reading books
Watch light comedy movies

Let's gain weight:
0-3 months: - Increase from -2 (decrease) to 1 kg
3-6 months: -2 to 5 kg
6-9 months: -3 to 8 kg
Total weight gain 9 kg-12 kg (will increase according to the height of the woman)

Baby weight gain:
3 months: - 50 gms
6 months: - 500 gms
9 months: - 1000 gms
9 months: - 2.2 kg. - 3.2 kg.
The baby will move at the beginning of the sixth month (22 weeks) +/- 2 weeks / mother's main weight gain will continue from five months.

What a husband should do during pregnancy
Talk to the baby in the wife's womb
Always accompany your wife to the doctor for a check-up and go with her.
Don't let it lift heavy weights.
Take care of her eating and drinking on time
Bring toys and clothes before the baby is born and decorate his room
Things to bring along when arriving at the hospital for delivery
Telephone diary and mobile
Net sheets and blankets - for mother and baby
Use 6 pairs of clean clothes for baby and wash before use
Prasruti gown and bra and 2-3 pairs of underwear and sleeper
Rake, shampoo, soap, toothbrush and toothpaste
Fruits and biscuits and light snacks, sugar, Amul fresh milk
Sanitary pad

For your information:
The baby's heartbeat will appear in sonography on day 20 above 1 month
External shapes of children 2 months 15 days will appear in sonography
Vomiting, nausea will last for 3 months
The baby will move for 22 weeks (five months after the sixth month of sitting)
Back pain and calf pain are common to all during pregnancy


pregnancy information pdf

pregnancy information IN GUJARATI

Under what circumstances to come to the hospital:
Swelling, headache and vomiting
If there is severe pain in the abdomen
According to the doctor's appointment
LAPROSCOPY (to perform abdominal surgery):
For infertility: removal of ovarian tumors, removal of clotted organs

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arthritis responsible for joint pain

arthritis responsible for joint pain

What is arthritis?

Arthritis is pain or swelling of the joints. There are many types of arthritis. There are three main types.

The most common problem today is with knee pain. Everywhere people are seen these days talking about the pain of the bell. According to a survey, 60% of people in India complain of knee pain after the age of 44. Difficulty in sitting and standing, difficulty in straightening the legs and knees in sleep are very common in this pain....

1. Age-related wear and tear:

With age, wear and tear causes joint pain. This problem is more common in the knee, hip and waist joints.
Arthritis: This is an autoimmune disease that affects different joints.
Arthritis: An increase in the amount of certain elements in the body which causes pain and swelling in the joints.

As a result of wear and tear, the marrow that surrounds the bone begins to fill with water, forming small cracks and osteophytes on the surface of the bone. This causes difficulty in movement of the joints. Often a small portion of the marrow gets inside the joint and causes more pain. As the wear and tear of the marrow increases, the joints become smaller and the wear and tear reaches the bone-bone surface, the surface does not turn and the foot does not turn.

Symptoms of the disease

Swelling on the knees, pain, inability to bend the legs, decreased mobility, noise in the joints during movement, shortening of one leg.

With timely diagnosis and treatment, joint wear stops progressing and pain / swelling is reduced.

(1) Conservative treatment Medications, exercise, proper diet

(2) Operation

If the pain persists even after medication / exercise
If the pain is unbearable
Can't sleep at night
Having trouble walking from a daily activity such as standing up
Total replacement

This is an operation in which a part of the damaged joint is removed and replaced with a metal-plastic joint. These prosthetic joints can move like natural joints.

Knee joints have three parts
The lower part of the hip bone
The upper part of the tube bone

This operation involves removing the damaged surfaces of both bones and, if necessary, removing the back surface of the lid, after which artificial joints are inserted.
Benefits from the operation

The pain goes away
The movement of the joints can be challenged by movement
A curved or shortened leg is straightened
All the activities that could not be done before can be done

Exercise can be started from the second day after the operation and weight can be put on the feet and walking can be done, daily activities can take place.
Osteoarthritis (knee pain)

Knee pain is a type of wear that usually occurs in the cushion under the bone with age. With age, the two bones begin to get closer to each other. This causes swelling and stiffness between them. Due to which problems arise in daily life

This type of knee disease usually starts after 6 years in women and 20 years in men. And with age, this wear and tear increases.

Causes of knee wear, tear, pain

The first reason is age. As a person gets older, the muscles around his knee joints get weaker with age. Which causes the onset of pain. The truth is that the older a person gets, the less likely he or she is to lose weight. Weakness in the knee If we understand the depth, there are mainly three bones in the knee.

This involves the femur, tibia, and patella. The space between the two bones, the tibia and the femur, is reduced. Which is called knee wear. That is why it is said that almost all people experience a decrease in that space with age. This means that the space between the two bones (in the knee) is reduced and the wear and tear is quite normal (normal) and natural (natural process). But in today's society, there is a false sense of fear among the people that you feel worn out. Knee / knee wear and noise? Looks like two bones are colliding with each other? While many things from above are quite a natural process




There is no need to be afraid of it. As the eyesight deteriorates in the body, hearing in the ears decreases, wrinkles appear in the skin, and muscles become weaker, the space between the two bones of the knee decreases. Which everyone sees happening. If there is a shortage of space and you experience pain with it, care should be taken to slow down the process.

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back pain due to five mistakes Worse

back pain due to five mistakes

Worse back pain due to five mistakes

In how many days will this pain go away?
Should I consult a doctor for this or not?
Will this pain be completely eradicated?
Will an operation be needed? What is the reason for not having back pain?

Our lifestyle and living conditions often call for back and bone pain. In the same way, we often make unintentional mistakes that increase our pain. The following five common mistakes are commonly found in back pain. When back pain occurs for the first time, the following questions are usually confused:

Mistake-1. Prolonged disregard for back pain.

Usually the first time a man has back pain is to wait for a while, the pain will go away in a short time. But if the pain does not subside after waiting for some time, the patient should consult a doctor immediately. Housewives in particular avoid going to the doctor for back pain. Trying to cure the household. But if the back pain lasts for more than seven days, you should consult a physical therapist immediately. Knowing the root cause of pain, starting treatment and doing certain types of exercises. Prolonged neglect often puts patients in very big trouble.

All these questions confuse patients every time. In addition, the answers are different for each patient. Many times we also have misconceptions about back pain in our minds. So quite common mistakes are found to occur. This increases the pain. Have to suffer more.

Mistake: 2- Seek long term treatment from family doctor.
Patients often take painkillers when they are being treated for back pain by their family doctor. The patient feels better as long as he takes the medicine. The pain starts immediately after the medication is stopped. The family doctor does not have in-depth knowledge of lumbar spine problems and their pain. So if in a short time their treatment does not seem to benefit, consult a doctor who knows the exact pain of the vertebrae. Which will help you to get to the root cause of the pain and heal it very well.

Mistake: 3- To make a hasty decision to undergo surgery for back pain.

Usually people nowadays consult a spine surgeon directly without waiting for any kind of back pain and they advise them to undergo surgery (operation). The lumbar vertebrae, the spinal cord in it, the veins coming out of it are very sensitive. So surgery often proves to be a very hasty decision. The waist is also very low as the patient gets 100% relief after the surgery. That is why patients should wait for pain and back pain to be cured without surgery before consulting a spine surgeon. And some time should be given for non-surgical treatment of lumbar. Proper and good lumbar muscle exercises should be done for three to four months for back problems like lumbar puncture, vein compression, bead removal, which gives very good results to most patients. Surgery survives on a permanent basis.

Mistake: 4- Prolonged inactivity.

If you have a sudden back pain and you rest for a few days and use a waist belt, there is nothing wrong with that, but a lot of times people become quite inactive. This causes the muscles around the lumbar spine to become very stiff. The weaker and stiffer the core and abdominal muscles, the greater the back pain. So go to a physical therapist after a while. Learning specific waist exercises and making them a part of your daily life is just as beneficial.

Mistake: 5- Treating by relying only on X-Ray, MRI & CT-Scan.

One thing that is considered in medical science is never to treat X-Ray, MRI, CT-Scan of a patient, to treat a patient's pain. That is why most people in today's society cannot get relief from low back pain, as they are only reported to be treated. Not of the original patient. X-Ray, MRI, CT-Scan are just one type of photos. There are beads in it, there is no pain in it. The patient is annoyed by the pain. The report often shows a general discomfort in the bead, while the patient is in excruciating pain, and often the cushion appears to be pressed out, but in reality the patient has very little pain. Don't rely too much on X-ray, MRI or CT-Scan. Your doctor will check you, look at the severity of the pain, determine your underlying disease and help you treat it correctly and well. That is why the patient's history and physical examination play a very important role in diagnosing the disease. The better the diagnosis, the better the treatment. The better the disease is treated, the better the chances of eradicating the disease. If the disease is cured, it is less likely to recur. Back pain is different for each patient. The better the patient understands the disease, the greater the chance of it being cured.



Contact for more information. Deepen Patel (Alayam) Pain Management

Alayam Rehab Center on the second floor, Subham Sarjan Flats,Near Yash Ekwani Victory Cross Road NavrangpuraAhmedabad, Gujarat 2000.
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diabetes and its treatment

diabetes and its treatment

A complete understanding of diabetes and its treatment

What diet should a diabetic patient follow?
Diet for patients with diabetes
The importance of exercise in diabetes

What is diabetes?

The full name of diabetes which we know as diabetes is ‘diabetes mellitus’. Salt (salt like honey) Sweet urine like honey means diabetes mellitus aka ‘diabetes mellitus’. From now on, for the sake of simplicity, the disease is referred to only as diabetes. In a diabetic patient, there is a deficiency of endocrine insulin, which regulates glucose in the body. The main function of insulin is to carry glucose molecules from the blood into the patient's cells. Due to the lack of insulin, glucose molecules cannot reach the patient's cells from the blood. As a result, even though the body has plenty of glucose, the body's cells cannot use it. The condition of the body becomes like a state full of disorder and chaos in which people die of starvation despite the abundance of food. Even though there is plenty of glucose in the body, the cells of a diabetic patient suffer from lack of glucose. As blood glucose levels rise (more than 120 mg / dL), excess blood glucose begins to be excreted in the urine. This important component of nourishing the body is thus wasted and the patient's condition worsens. He feels very hungry, thirsty and urinates a lot; And in the long run, damage to the eyes, heart, kidneys, nerves, etc. can lead to many complications.

Healthy man's blood - what is the normal sugar in the urine?

First of all, let's understand what "sugar" means. "Sugar" can mean "sugar" in Gujarati or "sugar" in Sanskrit. Usually when it comes to "sugar" in the blood or urine, it is considered to be glucose. Glucose is an important fuel that energizes the body's cells. Our diet consists of three main components of energy - carbohydrates; Protein and fat. The carbohydrates that make up the largest of these three are found in many different forms of food. Cereals, lentils, potatoes, sweet potatoes, tubers, fruits, vegetables, etc. have a very large share of carbohydrates. When carbohydrates are ingested in different forms, most of the food is eventually converted into glucose after digestion. If you have not eaten during the night, the next morning on an empty stomach you will find about 8 to 115 mg of glucose per 100 ml of blood in a healthy person.

After a meal, the digested glucose is absorbed into the bloodstream within two to three hours. Blood glucose levels rise dramatically during a period of about half an hour to two hours after a daily meal There should be no sugar

Eat a variety of foods

Instead of eating the same foods every day, eat a variety of foods. Instead of the same type of cereal-bean-vegetable or fruit, choose different types of cereal-bean-vegetable or fruit on a daily basis so that different tastes can be enjoyed and the ingredients in one type of food can be compensated by another food. If you get more potassium in some fruits, you will get more vitamins in others.

Eat as much as you use

Eat as much energy (calories) as you can use for various activities and exercise during the day. Eating foods that are more potent than you can consume on a daily basis will help you lose weight, which can be dangerous for your health. Diabetics who are overweight should plan their diet in such a way that they get about 200 kcal less energy than they use for daily activities and exercise. It is easier to control diabetes if you lose half or one kilogram of weight every month and lose five kilograms a year and maintain the weight loss. There is no need to go hungry to reduce the energy (calories) you get from food. But low calorie foods need to be chosen. Ghee-oil-butter-meat etc. are high fat and high calorie foods. While salads, vegetables, fruits, etc. are relatively low calorie and low fat foods. Increase the intake of vegetables, salads, fruits in the diet and stop eating fried, farsan, ghee sweets, biscuits, meat etc.

Choose more salty foods

Dietary fiber should be sufficient in the diet of every healthy person. Patients with diabetes should make sure that they have enough fiber in their diet. The fibers prevent the sudden rise of sugar in the blood. As well as preventing cholesterol from rising. Whole grains and legumes are high in fiber. Cereal grains (e.g. barley, kodari, samo, nagli) etc. have more fiber. So give preference to small grain grains instead of large grain grains like wheat-rice etc. Similarly choose to use hand-milled rice and wheat flour instead of milled rice instead of milled rice. Instead of lentils and peeled fruits, if possible, make it a habit to eat all fruits without peeling. The roots have relatively few fibers. Prefer vegetables instead.

Eat less cholesterol and less saturated fat

Cholesterol and fat reduction are responsible for most of the long-term complications that occur in diabetics. Cholesterol comes from milk and non-vegetarian foods while vegetable oils contain saturated fats from which cholesterol is made. Circulating fat damages the blood vessels of diabetics, narrowing and hardening the blood vessels, which can lead to heart disease or gangrene of the legs. Non-vegetarian and ghee-cream - Stop consuming butter is beneficial for diabetics. In addition, use only oil as a vegetable supplement and stop using fried items and mouth-watering items (bhakri-thalpa, puri, paratha, etc.). All biscuits contain hydrogenated vegetable ghee, which is extremely dangerous for the arteries and it is desirable to stop consuming it completely.

Eat foods that are not high in sugar.

It is not uncommon for a diabetic to discontinue sugary foods, but it is important for diabetics as well as every healthy person to be careful not to exceed four teaspoons (twenty grams) a day. Excessive sweetness provides only energy (calories) without vitamins and fiber. Which is dangerous for long term health. If sugar is to be "added" to the diet, the amount of other carbohydrates (starch, etc.) should be reduced so that the total calories do not increase




Reduce consumption of salt soda-papad

Diabetes and hypertension are associated with each other. If one happens then the chances of getting another disease are greatly increased. High blood pressure in a diabetic patient increases the risk of kidney and heart damage. To prevent this from happening, it is important for every diabetic patient to reduce their intake of sodium-containing items such as salt-soda-papad. A total of six grams of salt in the daily diet is more than enough salt. One pinch (made up of two fingers and thumbs) contains about two grams of salt so it is desirable not to use more than three pinches of salt per person. It is also important to limit the use of soda-containing dishes and farsanas (e.g. ganthiya, fafda, papadi, etc.).

Stay away from addictions

Tobacco-alcohol addiction harms a healthy person as well as diabetics. Absolute avoidance of such addictions is essential for diabetics.

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Ayurveda remedies for stones read more information

Ayurveda remedies for stones read more information

Getting Sindhav-salt in lemon juice and drinking it standing up dissolves the stones.

Calculus is an important kidney disease seen in many patients. Stones can cause excruciating pain but many patients do not have any discomfort despite having stones.

In some patients, stones can lead to urinary tract infections and kidney damage if not treated in time. It is very common to have stones once and for all. So it is important to know about stones and how to prevent them.

What is a stone?

Calcium oxalate or crystals in the urine combine with each other to form a hard substance in the urethra in the long run, known as stones.

What are the stones? What does it look like? Where is it found in the urethra?

Stones in the urethra vary in size, from as small as a grain of sand to as large as a ball. Some stones are round or elliptical and smooth on the outside. This type of stone is less painful and can be easily excreted naturally through urine.

Adding Sindhav-salt in cow's milk whey and drinking it daily in the morning for 215 days, the stones are excreted through urine and it is relaxed.
Licking the powder of gokharu in honey dissolves the stones.
A fine bowl of boron is crushed with water and the stone is crushed and excreted in the urine.
Getting lemon juice in coconut water and drinking it every morning removes stones.

Drinking karela juice with buttermilk removes stones.
Extracting the juice of radish leaves, adding surokhar in it, drinking it daily dissolves stones.
Drinking scaffold vegetable juice dissolves stones.
Drinking old jaggery and turmeric in buttermilk dissolves stones.
Drinking a decoction of black grapes dissolves stones.

Soaking 20 grams of kal at night, masali in the morning, straining the water in the morning every day removes stones.
Making a soup of kalthi and drinking it with a pinch of salt dissolves the stones and the terrible pain caused by the stones disappears.
Take four tolas of radish seeds and boil them in half a share of water. When half of the water is left, the stones are dissolved by drinking the extracted water.

Boil wheat and chickpeas together, add a pinch of sorghum to it and drink it.
Drinking a decoction of henna leaves removes stones.
After removing the corn kernels, simply burn the doda, make its ashes, take 1 gram of this ashes with water in the morning and evening, the pain of stones is stopped by urinary retention.
Take five tolas of buddy milk (milk) leaves and five tolas of henna leaves. Drink. Do not panic if the urine turns red. On the third day, the stones will be finely powdered and excreted in the urine.

Eating 50 gms of onion juice mixed with 50 gms of sugar cane breaks down the stones and is excreted in the urine.For Best View Please Open This Website In CHROME / OPERA Browser

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Home remedies for diseases through the use of medicinal plants

Home remedies for diseases through the use of medicinal plants

Cough :
Aloe vera:
As a bath soap:
As an herbal super gel:
As an Herbal Hair Cleaner:
As an herbal scrub cream:
As Herbal Health Zincs:
Keeping the digestive system clean:
Digestive problems:
Cough-Cough-Cold Protection:
Breathing problems:


Arduosi is a medicinal plant. Its leaves, flowers, roots as well as whole plants are used as medicine but the leaves are used exclusively.

Cough :

Especially used in bile and phlegm cough. Ginger juice with Ardusi for cough and Ardusi juice with sugar or black grapes for bile cough. Cough is cured by shading, crushing and licking the flower of Ardusi in honey.


Giving Arduosi juice with ginger and honey also relieves shortness of breath due to cough. Honey can be obtained by boiling the leaves of Ardusi in boiling ginger.


Take one teaspoon of basil juice, one teaspoon of honey in two teaspoons of Ardusi juice and drink it morning-evening-night. Two teaspoons of freshly squeezed juice of Ardusi and one teaspoon of honey licked in the morning and evening relieves cough and soon the cough is relieved.

Aloe vera:

It is considered to be one of the best herbs in the world for its medicinal properties.

Aloe vera is an herbal medicine. It is an innocent, effective and completely side-effect-free herb. The medicinal value of aloe vera is very high. This plant is considered a boon for cancer, diabetes, jaundice, digestion, blood urination and liver skin.
As a bath soap:

The use of soap made from aloe vera destroys dust and bacteria on the body, opens the pores of the skin and removes the wrinkles of old age.
As an herbal super gel:

The gel prepared from aloe vera works very effectively in burns, aches, joint pains, backaches etc.

As an Herbal Hair Cleaner:

This hair cleaner prevents hair from falling out, removes dandruff, makes hair shiny and beautifully plump.

As an herbal scrub cream:

Ab cream contains aloe vera and apricot. It removes acne pits, black spots, allergies, instruction itching etc. The face is nailed as it provides nutrients to the skin.

As Herbal Health Zincs:

Drinking aloe vera herbal juice makes the liver work very well so that all the diseases related to it are eliminated. Drinking juice prevents menstrual cramps, gum growth, body fat in women.

Keeping the digestive system clean:

Aloe vera helps in keeping the digestion healthy and also has the ability to remove toxins from the body.
Helps reduce sores, flaky skin, sunburn and itching. If you are bothered by gaining weight, you should drink a small amount of aloe vera juice every day. Doing so keeps the weight under control.
Hemorrhoids can be relieved by drinking aloe vera juice regularly.
Mixing multa clay or sandalwood powder in aloe vera container relieves skin acne.


Tulsi is considered a very important medicine in the religious Hindu society. Tulsi is considered important in Ayurveda due to the properties obtained from this plant. Children, the elderly, women and men can all benefit from the consumption of Tulsi.

Digestive problems:

For digestive problems like flatulence, boil 10-15 basil petals in a glass of water and make a thick paste. Add a pinch of Sindhav salt and drink it.


In case of fever, add one teaspoon of basil petal powder and one teaspoon of cardamom powder in two cups of water and make it thick. Drink two to three times a day. You can also get milk and water if you want to taste.

Cough-Cough-Cold Protection:

Basil is used in almost all cough syrups. Basil petals help clear the cough. Chewing fresh basil petals with ginger for a while gives relief from cough. Boiling and drinking basil petals relieves sore throat. Drink about 10-15 petals of Tulsi boiled in a cup of milk to avoid cold in rainy or winter season. Basil extract is beneficial in reducing high fever

Breathing problems:

Basil is very useful for treating respiratory problems. Drinking a mixture made by mixing honey, ginger and basil gives relief in colds.



Drinking a paste made from salt, cloves and basil leaves gives immediate relief from influenza (a type of fever).

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Obesity is a big challenge with health

Obesity is a big challenge with health

Obesity is a serious disease nowadays, which gives a person a lot of mental as well as physical problems. It is also known as obesity, obesity etc.

Obesity is a sign of obesity, a disease that affects anyone, rich or poor, if they are overweight or overweight. This question is becoming challenging not only in the country but also abroad. Obesity can sometimes be dangerous to a person, leading to many physical ailments, and sometimes even death.

How to determine obesity::

According to medical terminology, the weight of the body is calculated by the doctor by checking the body mass index (BMI) of the patient. The average person has a BMI of 15 to 6.5 kg, while a person with obesity has a BMI of 30 to 4.5, 6-7.5 or more.

Obesity, a health hazard::

Obesity can sometimes be dangerous for a person, leading to some physical ailments, and sometimes even death. Obesity can also lead to some diseases, such as type-two diabetes, blood pressure, sleep apnea, fat in the liver, infertility, cancer, joint-waist-knee pain, swelling of the legs and varicose veins, heartburn as well as depression.

Excellent treatment for obesity::

There are new treatments to reduce obesity, such as diet control, exercise without guidance, etc., but they do not realize that all these actions are harmful to their body. The best treatment for obesity, if any, is bariatric surgery, through which a person loses weight and maintains it for a long time.

Understanding Bariatric (Weightloss) Surgery::

The biggest advantage of bariatric surgery is that it is an accurate and largely permanent cure for weight loss. With weight loss after surgery comes relief from diseases like BP, cholesterol, respiratory problems and diabetes. Back or joint pain also disappears and the person becomes refreshed. This surgery is not cosmetic surgery, but is performed by laparoscopy by modifying the stomach and intestines. Which changes body weight after the change. Many people believe that being overweight can be diagnosed by a nutritious diet and exercise, but this belief is wrong, because according to international standards, when the BMI is more than 7 or BMI is more than 9 and BP, cholesterol, Bariatric surgery is a blessing in disguise if you have respiratory problems or problems like diabetes. The National Institutes of Health Consensus Conference concluded that surgery is the only effective treatment for weight loss and longevity.

After this surgery, you only have to stay in the hospital for 3 to 4 days. In 6 to 7 days after the operation, the person can do his daily work. Care must be taken in the diet until gastric training is completed after the operation. After this operation, the weight is reduced from 5% to 20% and the diabetes, blood pressure, joint pain, cholesterol and infertility are also improved.


The biggest advantage of bariatric surgery is that it is an accurate and largely permanent cure for weight loss.

Weight loss will be followed by BP, cholesterol, respiratory problems and diabetes. Back or joint pain also disappears and the person becomes energetic

Dr. Sanjay Patolia, Bariatric & GI SurgeonFor Best View Please Open This Website In CHROME / OPERA Browser

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Household medicinal use of spice crops

Household medicinal use of spice crops


Spice crops are used in almost every household for cooking plus-minus. But not all housewives or people in the house know that every spice is used in Ayurvedic terms. The use of such household innocuous and self-reliant herbs can save time, energy and wealth as well as get rid of the side effects of chemical drugs. The following is a list of some of the important medicinal uses of spice crops.


Medicinal value of Suva crop is high. Sleep is antiseptic. Bed water is available in the market under the name "Grip Water". Which has proven to be an excellent remedy for pediatric abdominal pain. Sleep contains an element called "caravan" which increases breastfeeding by giving women sleeping water after childbirth. In many parts of the country, cattle are fed after weaning. Suva has been shown to be very useful as a mask as well as in making soups, syrups and medicines.


Chilies are lukewarm, light and warm in quality. It has the properties of appetite, digestion, elimination of mouth oils as well as blood enhancer. Since chili destroys phlegm and flatulence, 20% of phlegm and 60% of flatulence are used in treatment. Poor people in the villages swallow chilli seeds with hot water for stomach ache. Alcoholics benefit from one teaspoon of boiled chilli two to three times a day when they feel dizzy. It is beneficial to bandage the wound with chili PC to prevent rabies poisoning. It is beneficial to give chili incense to bring the unconscious person to consciousness. Cholera may also be treated with a teaspoon of chilli and a teaspoon of salt.


As fenugreek is hot and sticky, it cures flatulence. As it is so digestive, it cures rheumatism. Rheumatoid arthritis causes pain and swelling due to the accumulation of air in the ankles, shoulders or head, elbows, shoulders or head. It contains fenugreek. Fenugreek eliminates anorexia as it is hot and appetizing. Thus being digestible and bitter, it cures chronic fever, typhoid fever or chronic fever. Having receptive properties cures diarrhea. It is beneficial to have an old die. We have a tradition of giving roasted fenugreek with curd or buttermilk in diarrhea or diarrhea. As fenugreek strengthens the heart, it is beneficial to use fenugreek freely to protect against heart disease or to prevent heart disease. Feeding fenugreek to pregnant women relieves complaints of nausea, leprosy, weakness, weight loss, blood loss, loss of appetite, insomnia, dizziness, body aches etc. Eating fenugreek also increases breastfeeding. Decoction of fenugreek can be taken for cough, flatulence or any other disease.


Ajmo is well known there for cooking, mukhawas or household medicine. Wherever words like colic, colic, pain, aches and pains are used, ajma is used internally or externally. This ajma extract is used in most of the pain balms used for headaches. By wrapping a small bag of ajma in the throat of small children in winter, the effect of ajma volatile oil relieves the nasal cold. Ajmano Nah is very effective in treating colds in children. As it is ajmo, spicy, bitter and kafdan, the worm also has kamavat. The practice of mixing salt in stomach ache is very well known. In Roorkee, it is beneficial to chew ajmo or sniff it through the nostrils.


Ginger is an important food and medicine for intestinal diseases as it is spicy, hot, digestible, delicious. Eighty types of airborne diseases include paralysis, rheumatism, headache, rheumatism, chest or abdominal pain, etc. Ginger is very helpful in curing these diseases.

In case of cold, shortness of breath, cough, sore throat, fever, sore throat, etc., sucking ginger and taking its juice in the stomach or extracting ginger juice and getting pure honey in it gives relief. Ginger and basil juice mixed with fever patient is beneficial.

Ginger is spicy in taste. Sweetness results when digested. Ginger is easy to digest so it helps in indigestion and prevents stomach upset. Being viscous, it heals the air, gives strength and also gives light to the body. Being hot, it also cures colds, coughs and colds. Ginger destroys all diseases of the cough as well as all diseases of the air.

Ginger cures vomiting, asthma, colic, cough, heart disease, elephantiasis, swelling, hemorrhoids, aphrodisiacs as well as abdominal and flatulence. In particular, ginger is considered to be the best medicine for diarrhea and rheumatism. Such as diarrhea, rheumatism, chest pain, headache, pain, hiccups, weakness or low BP. Etc. Ginger powder is very useful in diseases.

Rubbing ginger powder is beneficial

Ginger with cow urine.
Consume ginger or ginger
Lick ginger in honey.

Household medicinal PDF FILE


Coriander is prepared by planting coriander and coriander is made from it. From an Ayurvedic point of view, coriander has some properties.

Since it alleviates the three defects of air, bile and phlegm, anyone can take it at any place and in any season as well as in sick or healthy condition. Coriander is more beneficial in hot season as it is biliary and cold. As it is sweet, sour and bitter in juice, it is always a diet. It is mild in digestion. For Best View Please Open This Website In CHROME / OPERA Browser

types of treatment for the disease


types of treatment for the disease

There are the following types of treatment for the disease

Read all info about diffrent type of traetment.
today we learn about diffrent traetment of disease.

Cleansing Therapy

The purpose of cleansing treatment is to eliminate the underlying causes of physical or physio-mental illnesses that have occurred in the patient. It involves the process of internal and external cleansing of the body. Usually it involves the Panchakrama, Purva Panchakarma process.

Panchkarma treatment focuses on managing the action of metabolism. It provides the desired effect of purification and is also beneficial in other ways. This treatment is especially helpful in naturally occurring disorders, musculoskeletal disorders, cardiovascular related, respiratory related diseases, metabolic, degenerative disorders, etc.

Sedation therapy

Sedation therapy alleviates weak defects. The process by which an unbalanced defect becomes normal-balanced without unbalancing the other defect is called mitigation therapy. This treatment can be achieved by using appetite suppressants, digestive substances, through exercise and by taking in the heat of the sun and fresh air. This type of treatment also uses painkillers.

Dietary system (diet and activity guidelines)

The diet is mainly made up of specific signs or contraindications to diet, activity, habits and emotional state. This is to make the treatment more effective and to prevent the disease from spreading. In order to stimulate the gastrointestinal tract in the body and increase the digestion of food, special emphasis is laid on what to eat and what not to eat, so that the muscles of the body can be strengthened.

Diagnostic mutations (avoidance of pathogens and disease-promoting factors)

Diagnostic mutation is to avoid pathogenic and disease-promoting factors in the patient's diet and lifestyle. This diagnosis explains what to do to avoid disease-causing factors. Satvavajaya (Psychotherapy) Satvavajaya is primarily a matter associated with mental discomfort. These include keeping the brain away from the desire for certain diseased (or pathogenic) substances and on the other hand cultivating courage, memory and concentration. The study of psychology and psychiatry in Ayurveda is very deeply woven and is widely used in the treatment of mental disorders.

Chemotherapy (immunosuppressive and rejuvenating drugs)

Chemotherapy is a process of accumulating energy and tonic. There are many positive benefits to using chemotherapy. As physical internal balance is maintained, memory is increased, intelligence is sharpened, resistance to disease is increased, youth is maintained, energy is transmitted. Prevents premature muscle formation and destruction and promotes overall health.

Dietary regulation is very important

Because Ayurveda considers the human body as a food product. The mental and spiritual development of any human being and his nature depends on the quality of food he eats. In the human body, food is first converted into juice and then gradually converted into blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow, regenerating elements. In this way food is the basis of all metabolism and life activity. Lack of nutrients in the diet or not converting the food in the way it should be, invites various diseases. National level institutes on Ayurveda in India

(Institutes) National University of Ayurveda, New Delhi

RAV is an autonomous body operating under the Department of AYUSH under the Union Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and registered in 1988 under the Societies Act, 1860. RAV provides modern practical training to Ayurvedic graduates below 28 years of age and postgraduates below 33 years of age through the Guru-Shishya tradition (ancient method of imparting knowledge).

Candidates pursuing Ayurvedacharya (BAMS) degree or equivalent study under one year Certificate Course (CRAV) of National University of Ayurveda can be trained in Ayurvedic Clinical Practice under renowned Physician (or Physician) and Traditional Practitioner so that they can be trained in Ayurvedic Clinical Practice.

National Institute of Ayurveda (NIA), Jaipur

The National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur was established in 1976 by the Government of India as the apex Ayurveda institute for higher education and training and research with a scientific approach to Ayurvedic medicine in the country.



The institute offers undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. Education, clinical and research activities are done at the level. This institute is affiliated to Rajasthan Ayurveda University, Jodhpur. Admission to the BAMS course is through the All India Entrance Test conducted by the University.
To get admission in post graduate course.

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info about 5 Post Office Schemes including PPF and Kisan Vikas Patra

info about 5 Post Office Schemes including PPF and Kisan Vikas Patra

Investment: 5 Post Office Schemes including PPF, Time Deposit Scheme and Kisan Vikas Patra earn more interest than FD, Find out how much return you will get if you invest for 10 years

The PPF account is earning 7.1% interest.
The Kisan Vikas Patra scheme is earning 6.9% interest.

The government made no reduction in the small savings scheme in the October-December quarter. Because of this, these schemes still pay more interest than the fixed deposit (FD). You can get a good return by investing in it. Here are 5 post office schemes in which you will get more interest than FD on investment.

PPF scheme::

An account can be opened at a bank or post office under this scheme. Apart from this it can also be transferred to any bank or any post fee.

This account can be opened for only Rs. But then it is necessary to deposit Rs.500 every year. A maximum of Rs 1.5 lakh can be deposited in this account every year.

The plan is for 15 years. From which money cannot be withdrawn in the meantime. But after 15 years the plan can be extended for 5-5 years.

This account cannot be closed before 15 years. But after 3 years the loan can be taken against this account. Anyone can withdraw money under the rules from the 7th year of this account if they wish.

The government reviews interest rates every three months. This interest rate can be more or less. The account is currently earning 7.1% interest.
By investing in this scheme Rs. Tax exemption up to Rs 1.5 lakh can be obtained under 80C.

અહીંથી વાંચો સંપુર્ણ ગુજરાતી રીપોર્ટ

What is the return on investment for 10 years?

Under this scheme, if you invest Rs 1 lakh for 10 years, you will get Rs 2,02,136. That is, you will get Rs 1,02,136 lakh as interest.

Kisan Vikas Patra :

The Kisan Vikas Patra (KVP) Savings Scheme is currently offering 6.9% interest.
There is no maximum investment limit in KVP. However, your minimum investment should be Rs.
The investor must be at least 18 years of age. It also has the facility of joint account apart from single account.
Minors can also be included in the scheme. But that account must be handled by their parents.
If you want to withdraw your investment you have to wait at least 2.5 years. It has a lock-in period of two and a half years.
The amount deposited under this is exempted under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.

What is the return on investment for 10 years?

Under this scheme, if you invest Rs 1 lakh for 10 years, you will get Rs 1,98,201. That is, you will get interest in excess of Rs 98,201 lakh.

Post Office National Savings Certificate Scheme ::

Post Office National Savings Certificate (NSC) is earning 6.8% annual interest
The interest is calculated on an annual basis, but the amount of interest is paid at the end of the investment period
The amount deposited in the National Savings Certificate is tax deductible under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act.
You have to invest a minimum of Rs 100 to open an NSC account.
This account can also be opened in the name of a minor and a joint in the name of 3 adults.
You can invest any amount in NSC. There is no maximum investment limit.

What is the return on investment for 10 years?

Under this scheme, if you invest Rs 1 lakh for 10 years, you will get Rs 1,96,262. That is, you will get interest in excess of Rs 96,262 lakh.


Time Deposit Scheme ::

A fixed deposit account can be opened at the post office by cash or check.

According to India Post, in the case of a check, the account will be deemed to have been opened from the date of receipt of the check in the government's account.

This account can also be opened in the name of a minor and as a joint account in the name of two adults.
A minimum deposit of Rs. 1,000 is required to open a Post Office FD account. It has no maximum limit.
The Post Office Time Deposit Account offers interest rates ranging from 5.5% to 6.7% for a period of 1 to 5 years.
Deposit tax will be paid at 5.5% for 1 to 3 years and 6.7% for 5 years investment.
A tax exemption of up to Rs 1.5 lakh can be availed under Section 80C of the Income Tax Act for 5 years of investment.
Under this scheme interest is paid on an annual basis, but it is calculated on a quarterly basis.

What is the return on investment for 10 years?

Under this scheme, if you invest Rs 1 lakh for 10 years, you will get Rs 1,94,342. That is, you will get interest in excess of Rs 94,342 lakh.


Post Office Monthly Income Scheme ::

The interest is being paid at 6.6%. An account can be opened with a minimum of Rs 1,000 under this scheme.

If your account is single, you can deposit up to Rs 4.5 lakh. On the other hand, if you have a joint account, a maximum of Rs 9 lakh can be deposited in it. The maturity period is 5 years.

Interest under this scheme is paid on an annual basis, but is calculated on a quarterly basis.
A joint account can also be opened in the name of a minor and in the name of 3 adults.
You can contact your nearest Post Office to open a Post Office Monthly Income Account.

What is the return on investment for 10 years?

Under this scheme, if you invest Rs 1 lakh for 10 years, you will get Rs 1,92,439. That is, you will get interest in excess of Rs 92,439 lakh.
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High court Of gujarat Recruitment for Deputy Section officer

High court Of gujarat Recruitment for Deputy Section officer

Name Of Post: Deputy Section Officer
No. of Post: 63
Educational Qualification : As per Notification
Salary :: Pay Metric rs 39900

Important Date For Online Apply:

Starting Date for Online Apply:: 16-7-2021
Last Date for Online Apply: 6-8-2021

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7 Jul 2021

Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Form, Dates, Eligibility – Apply Here

 Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Form, Dates, Eligibility – Apply Here

Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Form, Dates, Eligibility – Apply Here

Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Form will be made available from first week of May 2021. Candidates will be offered admission into various Engineering & Non- Engineering trades offered in different ITI trades. Admission will be organized by the Directorate of Employment & Training (DET), Gujarat. Authority will not conduct any separate admission test for ITI Gujarat. Admission will be on the basis of merit scores of qualifying marks. Application form will be accepted only of eligible candidates. Here we are providing details regarding Gujarat ITI Application Form 2021.
Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Form

Candidates must go through following details regarding Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Form:
Candidates will be able to apply for Gujarat ITI 2021 from first week of july 2021.
The last date to submit the application form will be second week of july 2021.
Gujarat ITI 2021 application form will be made available via online mode.
Candidates must make sure they fulfill each eligibility norms as application form will be accepted only of eligible candidates.
Incomplete details in the application form will lead to rejection so candidates must fill the form completely & carefully.
Candidates must not forget to upload passport size photograph & signature in prescribed format.
The photograph must be in JPG format with 50 KB in size.
All important information will be sent to candidates registered ID & no. so it must be valid/ working.
Candidates must make sure to verify the details before submission as incorrect details in the form will lead to rejection.
Once application form submission will be over candidates must take its printout & keep it safe till future use.

Application Fee:
Gujarat ITI 2021 application fee can be submitted through online mode.
Mode of payment includes credit card, debit card or net banking.
Candidates will have to submit Rs. 50/- as their application fee.
In any case, application fee will be non-refundable.
Gujarat ITI 2021 Eligibility

Candidates must check following eligibility norms before applying for Gujarat ITI 2021:

Domicile: Candidates must have domicile certificate of Gujarat state issued by competent authority.
Qualification: Applying candidates must qualify 10th or equivalent level examination from any recognized board or university.
Age Limit: Candidates must be at least 14 years in age.
Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Dates

Check following tentative schedule regarding Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Dates:

Events Dates (Tentative)
Application form commences 1st week of july 2021
Last date to sub 3nd week of july 2021

How to apply for Gujarat ITI

Check following step by step procedure while applying for Gujarat ITI:
Go through official website (Link will be given above)
Click on the given, “Apply Online” link.
Fill all asked & required details as candidates name, roll number, mail ID, phone number etc.
Provide all asked academic & qualification details in the form.
Upload scanned image of passport size photograph & signature in prescribed format.
Re-check & verify the given details.
After verification, submit the application fee.
Once fee will be submitted, a confirmation page will appear on your screen.
Take its print out & keep it safe till future use.

ITI એડમિશન માટેની ઓફિશિયલ સાઈટ LINK

Candidates must read above details regarding Gujarat ITI 2021 Application Form. Candidates must go through form details, its mode etc. Also go through step by step procedure while filling application form for Gujarat ITI to avoid any kind of rejection. Make sure to fulfill each eligibility norms as application form will be accepted only of eligible candidates.

ITI courses (Industrial Training Institute Courses) are provide is free of course. that provide training for the technical and non-technical fields. The courses are exclusively trading specific, hence they impart essential skills important for the trades.

1) ITI Courses After 8th

The weaving of Fancy Fabric

Wireman Engineering

Cutting & Sewing

Pattern Maker Engineering

Plumber Engineering

Welder (Gas & Electric) Engineering

Book Binder

Carpenter Engineering

Embroidery & Needle Worker

Mechanic Tractor

2) ITI Courses After 10th

Tool & Die Maker Engineering

Draughtsman (Mechanical) Engineering

Diesel Mechanic Engineering

Draughtsman (Civil) Engineering

Pump Operator

Fitter Engineering

Motor Driving-cum-Mechanic Engineering

Turner Engineering

Dress Making

Manufacture Foot Wear

Information Technology & E.S.M. Engineering

Secretarial Practice

Machinist Engineering

Hair & Skin Care

Refrigeration Engineering

Fruit & Vegetable Processing

Mech. Instrument Engineering

Electrician Engineering

Letter Press Machine Minder

Leather Goods Maker

Mechanic Motor Vehicle Engineering

Hand Compositor

Mechanic Radio & T.V. Engineering

Mechanic Electronics Engineering

Surveyor Engineering

Foundry Man Engineering

Sheet Metal Worker Engineering

3) ITI Courses After 12th

Draughtsman Civil

Draughtsman Mechanical


Electronics Mechanic

IT and Electronics System Maintenance

Instrument Mechanic

Machinist Grinder

Mechanic Motor Vehicle

Radio and TV Mechanic

Radiology Technician

Insurance Agent

Refrigeration and Air Conditioner Mechanic


Library and Information Science

Tool and Die Maker



Painter (Domestic)

Painter (Industrial)


Weaving Technician


Foundryman Technician

Creche Management

Spinning Technician

Architectural Assistant

Auto Electrician


Automotive Body Repair

Automotive Paint Repair

Cabin or Room Attendant

Hospital Waste Management


Food and Vegetable Processing


Finance Executive

Computer Hardware and Networking

Catering and Hospitality Assistant

Fire Safety and Industrial Safety Management

Counseling Skills


Drive Cum Mechanic (Light Motor Vehicle)

Preparatory School Management (Assistant)

Surface Ornamentation Techniques

Institution House Keeping

Dent Beating and Spray Painting

Cane Willow and Bamboo Worker

Mechanic Diesel

Marine Engine Fitter

Mechanic Tractor

Interior Decoration and Designing


Plastic Processing Operator


Scooter and Auto Cycle Mechanic

Sheet Metal Worker

Steel Fabricator

Welder (Gas and Electric)

Baker and Confectionery

Computer Operator and Programming Assistant

Craftsman Food Production

Mechanic Lens or Prism Grinding

Digital Photography

Footwear Maker

Dress Making

Resource Person

Dress Designing

Dental Laboratory Equipment Technician

Embroidery and Needle Work

Floriculture and Landscaping

Fashion Technology

Health and Sanitary Inspector

Stone Mining Machine Operator

Hair and Skin Care

Building Maintenance

Hospital House Keeping

Excavator Operator

Litho Offset Machine Minder

Physiotherapy Technician

Mechanic Auto Electrical and Electronics

Marine Fitter


Office Assistant Cum Computer Operator

Food Beverage

Pump Operator Cum Mechanic

Basic Cosmetology

Business Management

Mechanic Agricultural Machinery

Secretarial Practice

Lift and Escalator Mechanic

Health Safety and Environment

Agro Processing

Mechanic Mechatronics

Steno English

IT and Communication System Maintenance

Travel and Tour Assistant

Human Resource Executive

Sanitary Hardware Fitter

Mechanic Mining Machinery

Rubber Technician

Steno Hindi

Weaving (Silk and Woollen Fabric)

Laboratory Assistant


Call Centre Assistant


Corporate House Keeping

Data Entry Operator

Medical Transcription

Office Machine Operator
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GETCO Recruitment 2021 For 352 Vidyut Sahayak Posts - Apply Online

 GETCO Recruitment 2021 For 352 Vidyut Sahayak Posts - Apply Online

GETCO Recruitment 2021 : has published short advertisement for Vidyut sahayak Bharati (GETCO Recruitment) Gujarat. Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd. ( GETCO ) is a leading ISO 9001 : 2015 State Utility in Transmission Business having its Head Quarter at Vadodara . It has strong work force of more than 13,000 employees with its transmission network spread over Gujarat State for power evacuation from generating stations and transmitting to DISCOMS. You can find Details like age limit, Total Vacancies, Education Qualification, Selection Process, application, Fees, Notification and apply link.

Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited (GETCO) Recruitment for 352 Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Electrical / Civil) Posts 2021

Total Posts: 352 Posts

Posts Name:

Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Electrical): 300 Posts

Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer – Civil): 52 Posts

Educational Qualification & Other Details: Please Read Official Notification.

How to Apply for GETCO Recruitment 2021 ?

Candidates are required to submit ONLINE Application only, compulsorily through The candidates shall have to generate Registration ID online by filling-up the online Application Form. The candidates should retain the printout of Registration Form and the same shall be required at all stages during recruitment process.

Visit the official website or apply from the direct link below which will be active on 18 June 2021

On the homepage, scroll down to the “Latest News” section.

Search for notification reading, “GETCO invites applications for the post of Vidyut Sahayak (Junior Engineer- Electrical/Civil”

A new page will appear on the screen, click on “Apply Online”

Fill all the details in all the required details in the application form and pay the applicable application fee.

Submit the application form before the last date.Important Dates:

Starting Date for Submission of Online Application: 18-06-2021

Last Date for Submission of Online Application: 08-07-202

Click Here

Apply Online & More Details:
Click Here

GETCO JE Application Form 2021:

The online registration process will be active from 18th June 2021 on its official website The candidates can apply within 21 days from the start date of the online application. The candidates interested in the Vidyut Sahayak posts can apply from the below link which will be active once it is officially activated.rt Imfornation about GETCO:

GETCO JE Recruitment 2021: Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Ltd. (GETCO) has inited eligible engineer graduates for the post of Civil JE & Electrical JE through an official notification released on its official website

Note: Candidates are suggested to read the official notification before applying - Thanks for visit this useful Post, Stay connected with us for more Posts. For Best View Please Open This Website In CHROME / OPERA Browser

6 Jul 2021



DOWNLOAD GUNOTSAV 2.0 SCHOOL GRED CERTYFICATE AT : Are you searching for these thing ...? Gunotsav Result 2018, Gunotsav 2.0 School Certificate, Gunotsav teacher Certificate, Gunotsav School Results. Primary education is the foundation on which the development of every citizen and the nation as a whole built on. In recent past, India's improved education system is often cited as one of the main contributors to the economic development of India. At the same time, the quality of elementary education in India has also been a major concern. Student of primary school at least have basic knowledge of reading, writing and simple mathematics equations which may be helpful in performing their daily activities. Gunotsav crc Report Card Download 2021

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Important Link To Download Gunotsav Report Card 2021 :

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Click here To Download gunotsav Report card

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How to Download School gunotsav report card 2021 :
first open Official gunotsav site
Then click Gunotsav 2.0Tab
Here click School certificate option
Select your District
Select Taluka
Select your School
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What is Allergic colds How to Prevent from it

What is Allergic colds How to Prevent from it

When a disease, big or small, starts to recur despite frequent treatment, there is concern about why the disease does not go away in addition to the physical pain of the disease. Isn't it possible for the patient to get rid of the various problems caused by allergies when they start recurring? Asks such questions. Frequent colds due to allergies cause runny nose, sneezing, headache, red eyes, itchy eyes-ears-nose-throat end-skin irritation - irritation as well as weakness, fatigue, boredom, lethargy. All these physical and mental afflictions result in side effects on daily work, even on business.

Once the cause of the cold is known to be an allergy, the patient takes antiallergic medications on his own and seeks temporary relief. But the patient is constantly struggling to get a permanent solution as the drugs also cause side effects such as sore throat and drowsiness.

Let us know what Ayurveda suggests for the treatment of such chronic-complex allergic rhinitis.

અહીંથી જુઓ સંપૂર્ણ વિડીયો

What is an allergy?

Allergy Allos and Ergon are a combination of two words. It means another work that arises unnecessarily

The body’s natural protective power ઇ immunity counters the causes responsible for disease through a specific action-reaction. When a foreign substance harmful to the body comes in contact with the body, it naturally produces antigens and antibodies to react protectively against the antigen. As the cells undergo further damage during the body's protective process of antigen-antibodies, specific symptoms occur which are called allergic reactions.

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Possible causes for allergic colds. The most common cause is weakness of the body's immune system. According to Ayurveda, the body's resistance to harmful germs and viruses, the external element, comes from Prakritkaf, Oj. Causation as a result of dust, pollen, fumes, odors, germs, excessively cold-hot-hot air, hairy-hair breathing, itching due to exposure to nasal endoplasmic reticulum when the protective function of the natural cough (cuff element) is not done properly. Sneezing, runny nose, itchy eyes, frequent sneezing, sore throat, weakness, lethargy.

What does Ayurveda suggest?

Self-defense - Trying to avoid causes such as dust, fumes, cold air that are responsible for the allergic reaction.
Hygiene - Instructions for maintaining vigor.
Do not ignore the natural signals indicated by the body such as hunger, sleep, fatigue, thirst, sensations for fecal-urinary activity.
Eat nutritious, fresh, hot meals, liquids, cow's ghee, ginger-ajmo-asafoetida-pepper-fenugreek-garlic-ginger, regardless of whether the phlegm becomes stronger. Meals should be eaten at regular intervals, at regular intervals. Don't eat yogurt, cream, cold drinks, frozen foods.
In order to maintain the efficiency of Kaftatva, natural substances like Ginger, Ginger, Arduosi, Turmeric, Tulsi should be adopted for regular home remedies.
Mix 1-1 teaspoon of ginger juice, basil juice, add 1 teaspoon of turmeric powder and take it at breakfast.
Take 1 teaspoon of mango powder with lukewarm water or honey regularly.
It is beneficial to mix trikatu powder and yashti honey powder evenly and lick it in honey after meal.
Regular ingestion of cow's ghee or hexagonal oil relieves excessive sneezing.



From the Ayurvedic point of view, treating allergic colds is beneficial by treating colds caused by vatakapha. Thus, herbal remedies like Nardiyalakshmi Vilasaras, Tribhuvan Kirtiras, Dashmularisht, Vatachintamani juice and many herbal remedies like Yashtimadhu, Vasa, Haridra, Triphala, Punchnimb can be cured. But regular use of simple herbs like Triphala, Kadu, Bharangi improves the function of the liver, which can activate lymphatic circulation to regulate the aging of the body. Here is a very brief general information. Keeping in view the tridosha principle, the doctor can also give very effective treatment with very common herbs and aerobic oil massages, nasal vapors, nasal sprays. Information about the food and drink given to each patient is a strong and capable aspect of Ayurveda. For Best View Please Open This Website In CHROME / OPERA Browser

Forest Department Recruitment for 26 Vanya Prani Mitra Posts 2021

Forest Department Recruitment for 26 Vanya Prani Mitra Posts 2021

Forest Department, Recruitment for 26 Vanya Prani Mitra Posts 2021 Gujarat has total geographical area of 196024 Sq. Km. Out of which, 18961.69 Sq. Km. (9.67%) is declared forest area. State has wide variations in Geophysical and Eco-climatic conditions ranging from hot saline deserts to humid hilly tracts and from coast to high hills, which has resulted in to formation of various types of forest.

Forest Department, has published an Advertisement for the below-mentioned Posts. Eligible Candidates advised to refer to the official advertisement and apply for this post. You can find other details like age limit, educational qualification, selection process, application fee, and how to apply are given below.

Forest Department, Junagadh Recruitment 2021

Job Details

Posts: Vanya Prani Mitra

Educational Qualification

Please read Official Notification for Educational Qualification details.

Selection Process:

Candidates will be selected based on an interview.

How to Apply ?:

Eligible candidates may send their application & necessary documents to the given address in the advertisement.

Note: Candidates are suggested to read the official notification before applying.

Important Link

Job Advertisement

Application Form

Last Date:

Within 10 days from the date of Advt. Published

Important: Please always Check and Confirm the above details with the official website and Advertisement / Notification.

These factors have bestowed the state with diversity of Flora and Fauna. Gujarat is rich in floral diversity of species, habitats and ecosystems that represents nearly 13% of the floristic diversity of the country. The majestic Asiatic Lion and Wild Ass have their last resorts of the world in Gujarat.

The faunal biodiversity consists of 14% fishes, 18% reptiles, 37% avifauna and 25% of the mammal population of the country. Gujarat Forest Department is entrusted with the prime responsibility of protection, conservation and development of forest and wildlife of the state.
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Gujarati Stickers for Whatsapp - Gujarati WAStickerApps

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