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19 Aug 2020




This post specially for pragna teachers. here this post for pragna teachers who are working very hard in their classrooms.this post is helpful for pragna teachers who work in gujarati language for STD 1 to 2 this is very useful in classroom .Gujarati If This Shabd Diary Have a Zerox Each of studnets So Show The Students Specify The Main words of Gujarati Language . They easily Learn Gujarati Language.The Teacher Save Many More Time In Classrooms This Shabda Diary is One Type of Lesson Diary.
The Studnets Have Each of One Zerox They Will Work At Home At Night or MorningTime  and They Learn Gujarati Language Vey Easily And They Speak was Very clearly for or in Gujarati Conversation.This File Based  on Pragna Abhigam. 
The Main Words Saying in Gujarati Barakshari Ths Dairy is Busy in  Gujarati Barakshari But Smething Chnaged Becuse Pragna abhigam Has Start The Words in Gujarati Like V,R,s,D then step The Student Learn Gujarati And Speak Clear And Very Easily Speak Gujarati

Education plays an important role in society.  Education itself creates our knowledge, transfers it to students and promotes new knowledge. education does not take place according to the indeevidual nids of the individual, but it arises from the nids of the society in which the perseon is a member.

In a stable society, the main function of the educational sysatem is to pass on cultural heristage to new generations.  But in a changing society, its naturi varies from generation to generation and in such a society the educational sysatem should not only be taken as a cultuwral heritage, but also help the youth to preprare for change in them.  And this lays the foundation for future possibilities.

Modern educational institrutions prepare skilled people, whose scientific and technrical knowledge leads to the industrial development of the country.  Other values   like individuralism and universalist ethics etc. can also be developed through education.  Thus education can be an important tool of mrodernization.  The importance of education can be realized by the fact that all modern societies emphasize univeersalization of education and in ancient days, education was concentrated for a particular group.  But with the modernization of education, now everyone has access to education irrespeective of their caste, religion, culture and economic background.

The conclusion

The effect of modeernization can also be seen in schools.  Modern day schools are fully equeipped with technically sound equipment that helps children develop their expertise in a more explicit way.  Effective faecilities provide barrier-free means for persons with disabilities, aree free from health and environmental hazards, proevide adequate space for students and teachers, and are equipped with appropriate technology for classroom and insetructional use.

The current learnieng system requires more flexibility in classroom spaces than a classroom system.  For example, students working together in small groups may use shared spaces between claessrooms in some of the new primary schools in the district.
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